The Merck Manual/Search engine????
Well, what cant be said about the venerable Merck, handy, great memory jogger, weighs on the average about a third of most major medical text. The app works great except the search engine. I was reading about Erythem Migrans and following links from one article to the next. All of a sudden I needed to read about Stevens-Johnson Synd details. Typed it in, search report nothing found, well I must have mispeled (sp) it, copied and pasted into the search engine, reports nothing found??? Go to the derm section, peruse the BOLDED titles, sure enough there it is but the search engine couldnt find this major topic. Someone needs to either rework the search engine or change career fields. Maybe they could put a dictionary together to help me spel.
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Merck Manual Professional, v1.2.1